Tara Clinic in Kozhikode (Calicut) is now operated and managed by Dr Zoheb Raj, offering
comprehensive mental health services under one roof for consultations and treatment.

Dr Vivek M
Consultant Psychiatrist
Consultations strictly by appointment only.
Your personal details will be kept in strict confidence subject to legal limitations. We would not share information with another person without your explicit consent unless there is a clear need to manage risk to yourself, others or children.
Problems treated
Stress management
Anxiety & Depression
Bipolar disorder
Behavioural problems in children
School refusal
Family and marital therapy
Memory problems
Neuro-psychiatric conditions
Personality Difficulties
Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychologists are highly trained and usually have an MPhil or PhD in Clinical Psychology. This training allows them to make in depth assessments on the psychological state of a person.
In addition to carrying out psychological testing psychologists may also specialise in treating patients using psychotherapy (psychoanalytic, CBT, systemic etc)
Psychologists and psychiatrists work together to understand and help patients when faced with severe and complex problems.
Psychometric Testing
A variety of psychological tests are used to help clarify diagnoses of disorders of the mind and to measure change. Commonly administered tests are for intellectual ability (IQ), depression, anxiety etc.
During the initial consultation the types of tests to be carried out are decided. Thereafter a further two or more meetings might be required to complete the assessment. The report will be discussed with the referrer and the patient and relative or carers as appropriate.

IQ Assessments
Seguin Form Board Test (SFBT)
Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices
Binet Kamat Test of Intelligence
Bhatia’s Battery of Performance Intelligence Tests
Assessments of development
Vineland’s Adaptive Behaviour Scale (VABS)
Vineland’s Social Maturity Scale (VSMS)
Assessments for Specific Learning Disability
Neuropsychological testing
Projective tests
Rorschach Ink Blot Test
- Thematic Apperception Test
- Children's Apperception Test
Personality tests​
Psycho-diagnostic report writing.